3 Ways to Show Empathy to a Person

1. Note the individual’s arm and leg movement. 2. In a discreet ad non-threatening way, mirror the movement. 3. Do this to improve your ability to build a connection with and demonstrate the importance of the other person. See Richard E. Maurer and Jeffrey H....

The Body Keeps the Score

A good reminder to look for the humanity in others: in his excellent book THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE, the psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk wrote about his teacher making the rounds with him in a psychiatric hospital. “What would you call this patient,” van der Kolk...

An old and fascinating story

Yesterday, we noted that when we tell a story, we can help people listening connect from the left brain to the right, we can summon them to invest in the story, and that the listeners can even find multiple meanings and lessons in the story. Today, allow me to pass...