The Compound Interest of Little Things

C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may...

What is Wisdom?

What is wisdom? Well, connect wise with dumb, and you get wisdom. Let me explain. I am attempting to offer a memory aid to help people understand wisdom: “wise + dumb = wisdom.” I am taking advantage of the fact that many great teachers have taught that wisdom comes...

Productive Stress

Last week, I read this nugget from consultant Bobb Biehl, “As much as 80 percent of all stress is caused by indecision or lack of control.” Do you agree? I would have to look at the definitive research, but that number sounds like it would be in the ballpark. Think...