The Workedge Blog

Mark's Remarks

Keeping your Boss, Abe Lincoln, Informed

Excuses are bad. Withholding important information from our bosses is also wrong. We celebrated Presidents’ Day this week, and a story from the presidency of Abraham Lincoln is both amusing and informative. Lincoln once remarked to someone in his office that over 1...

3 Ways to Show Empathy to a Person

1. Note the individual's arm and leg movement. 2. In a discreet ad non-threatening way, mirror the movement. 3. Do this to improve your ability to build a connection with and demonstrate the importance of the other person. See Richard E. Maurer and Jeffrey H. Tindall,...

The Body Keeps the Score

A good reminder to look for the humanity in others: in his excellent book THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE, the psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk wrote about his teacher making the rounds with him in a psychiatric hospital. “What would you call this patient,” van der Kolk...