Last week, I read this nugget from consultant Bobb Biehl, “As much as 80 percent of all stress is caused by indecision or lack of control.”

Do you agree?

I would have to look at the definitive research, but that number sounds like it would be in the ballpark. Think about the last time you had to decide and had two or more options. Pretty stressful, right? Even when all options appeared to be good ones.

Especially when all options appeared to be good ones.

Or think about a time in your life when you needed to move forward but felt burdened by the variables acting independently of you. You had no power to regulate those variables. I bet in at least one of those experiences, the tension felt so great your body even responded in a physical way such as sweating or sensations in stomach.

Stress can be good. It can sharpen our focus and prompt us to prioritize (make good decisions.) It can also motivate us to assess what we can control and what we cannot.

More than one pundit has written that we live in stressful times.

Which issues are important to address and which are not?

In what areas can we make a big difference, and in what areas will our impact be small?

Bobb Biehl’s advice can lead the way to profitable prayer and reflection. Have a productively stressful week.